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Language-specific buttons and hyperlinks

There are many cases why you may wish to have language-specific buttons or hyperlinks.

The technique below follows the same approach as that for our language-specific pages option, and uses a similar underlying technical approach.

Creating language-specific buttons

Add a button using your web editor and in the button text include the 2 digit text for the language this button applies to inside curly quotes.

Then add a second button for the 2nd language with a different destination URL and different text.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-700x1024.png
Example of an English-only button. This button will be hidden when your users view your page in any other language than English.

Creating language-specific hyperlinks

The same exact approach is used for normal text-based hyperlinks.

Create the text, including the curly braces with the 2-digit language code, highlight the text then enter the destination URL.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-1-1024x396.png
Creating language-specific hyperlinks. The example above will be hidden when any non-English user visits the page.

2-digit language codes

We have a reference here for the relevant 2-digit language codes.

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