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Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can see the answers of frequently asked questions together with detailed explanations and examples, please also make sure to check our /Support/ page for further information on different topics.

  • How to set a default language for your website?– As explained on our /Support/ page, the first language you use is the default language. With several new features implemented, however, you can now also use the “?lang=” (no quotations) parameter in order to set your default language. For example, ?lang=en for English, ?lang=es for Spanish and so on.  An example question .
  • Does Multilingualizer automatically detect your country’s language? – At the start Multilingualizer used geo-location, yet due to several problems with accuracy, we now use the settings of the browser you are using. If for some reason we cannot access the settings (e.g  you have made changes to the browser’s settings), we use the first language you specify. An example question with detailed explanation.
  • How to enter translations in page titles, menus, and single text fields? -Enter your first language text then two dots then the second language text and so on.e.g.
    Hello World..Bonjour tout le monde

    The Multilingualizer will hide the version of text the user does not need to see based on their language preferences or your menu items.

    This shorthand approach works for single lines of text.

  • How to display different images in each language -Add a caption or Alt text to the image and enter the text [english] as your caption and the Multilingualizer will only display that image for English users. Similarly, [french], [spanish], [italian], [german] etc.

Please note that we will be continuously updating this page with any other questions which concern our customers. Make sure to check it before posting on the Q&A forum.



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