I recently installed Multilingualizer on my Squarespace Website (7.1). The translation works, but it leaves too much space between the parts, as if it hides the other language while leaving the space for it. Now my website misses flow, you have to scroll down too long to read further…
I tried to resolve this by ressembling text blocks (for exemple one textblock, instead of two). But now the problem persist for exemple between a text block and a button, leaving far too much space in between.
April 16, 2023 @ 3:13 pm
Hi again,
I figured out that it’s maybe better to copy pages and than translates them (instead of on-page translation), for the above problem, but also better for SEO. Now I have the problem that I would like to copy the main page (called ”home” I think) but I wonder how. The first page you see on the website. This is not a page listed in the side bar. However, it would be important to have a seperate translated page, especially this front page, because otherwise in Google searches, you would see a text with mixed up languages. So far I understood…
Anyone knows if it’s possible to copy this first page and how to do this? Thank you.