did your problem got solved? I’m experiencing the same, but only when I changed the Language Selector Configuration from “Option 2-adding a floating language selector “to “Option1 – adding the language selector to your existing menu system” and this occurs only on my iPad and not on the iPhone.
Hi Olga, your website looks really nice!
Sorry to hear you have the same issue with the menu. Unfortunately, I haven’t heard a single word from the Multilingualizer team. By now I assume it’s not going to happen anymore. It’s been two months and I do see them actively responding to other questions that were posted much later. So much for good customer service I guess.
I didn’t actually solve the problem because that’s out of my hands, but as I said above, I did create a workaround. Meaning for me it’s kind of okay for now. Although I really do believe this is a serious issue that needs to be addressed by Multilingualizer and not by individual users. Not everyone is capable of fabricating some hacked CSS workaround, meaning a lot of people will get stuck on this with no solution other than using the floating language selector.
It is true that this issue only shows on Ipad or similar tablet because of the particular screen size. And yes, only with the language selector added to the main menu.
Are you familiar with adding custom CSS to Squarespace? You could try adding the snippet I posted above to the custom CSS field and play around with the text size to make it fit. Although I think it might not work for you since you have way more menu items than the site I wrote this code snippet for. If Multilingualizer keeps ignoring the problem and you can’t find a solution by yourself you are welcome to send me an email at [email protected] and I will help you (or at least try) to code a custom CSS solution for your website.
Thanks a lot Lior!
Hi Lior,
while (unsuccessfully) trying to implement the ?lang= de and ?lang=en attribute , meaning moving links back and forth, and by utmost chance the hamburger is working now. But I unfortunately could not tell you why it happened. But I have the feeling that this is something to do with SQS and not MLG.
Best regards,
Hi Lior,
while (unsuccessfully) trying to implement the ?lang= de and ?lang=en attribute , meaning moving links back and forth, and by utmost chance the hamburger is working now. But I unfortunately could not tell you why it happened. But I have the feeling that this is something to do with SQS and not MLG.
Best regards,
We implemented a fix for this about 7 months ago. We added extra code to improve compatibility with different Squarespace themes. Technically, what some Squarespace themes do is decide to show the burger menu through JavaScript. Normally, websites would use CSS to decide if the burger menu should display. If the Javascript runs before the languages have been translated, then the site thinks the menu names are longer than they really are and will, if the names are long enough, show the burger menu on desktops.
On these occasions, the burger menu would properly appear/disappear after you resize the window. The code we added basically fires this window resize event after translations are complete in order to correctly display or not display the burger menu.
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Guess it’s not so simple to solve then 🙂
I found the right selector to influence the main navigation with a media query and used it to decrease font size and padding of the navigation items on smaller screen size:
@media only screen and (max-width: 1100px){body:not(.force-mobile-nav) .nav-wrapper nav > div > a, body:not(.force-mobile-nav) .nav-wrapper nav > div .folder-toggle {
display: block !important;
padding: 0.75em 0.2em !important;
font-size: 14px !important;
Although it’s a bit of a crummy hack it kind of solves the problem for now. But, I really would like it to be SQS who decides when to switch to mobile (burger) navigation instead of a CSS hack that merely shrinks the size of the menu items to make them fit on the screen. For example, what would happen if I (or my client) want to add more menu items? How small would I then have to make the text size for the navigation to accommodate let’s say10 items or more on a tablet screen size? It would become unreadably small.
Am I the only one experiencing this issue? Or am I perhaps overlooking an important SQS or MLL setting that causes a conflict between the two? Would love to hear from you guys, please advice.
Other than this minor issue MLL works great. I’m really happy with it.
(Can’t post a link publicly at this time since it’s a client site in progress. Sorry about that).