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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsHow do I change my domain?
Brian asked 9 years ago
I need to generate code for one domain when setting up my site and then another for when it launches and we link the new domain. The ability to change domains in my account seems to be disabled. Please advise. Thanks!
Stefan replied 9 years ago

You are not the only one I also can not change domain and another thing I bought licence for 5 websites but there is not way to add additional website. I have also wrote to [email protected] but didnt get no answer. Hope somebody will answer asap.

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 9 years ago

Hi – sorry about this – this is the second report I have had about this – I am working on a solution which will be deployed next week – bear with me.

Dave Hilditch replied 9 years ago

Just a quick update on this – the upgrade is still in development – won’t be released until NEXT week now.

Brian replied 8 years ago


I’m still not sure what to do here. Mercifully, our client has been causing delays, but that won’t last much longer. Please advise, or let me know if you have questions about exactly the issues I’m having.


Brian replied 8 years ago


I’m meeting with my client next week and need to give him an answer. How are we looking on the solution?

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