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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsHow to change password in my multilingualizer account?
Duncan asked 9 years ago
I just created a single website paid account in Multilingualizer.  Unfortunately, I can't change my password as it requires that I enter my original password and I don't know what it is.  After paying for the license, I was brought back into the Multilingualizer site already logged in.  Naturally, I am concerned that once I shut down my computer, I will be logged out and have no way of getting back in.   Is there a way for me to check what my current password is?  
1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 9 years ago

You can’t check what your current password is and neither can I.
You can reset your password though. When you come back to visit the site, click your my-account link and it will ask you to login (unless you’re using Chrome to remember your login details). Under the login area is a button you can click if you’ve forgotten your password.
It will send you a password reset link. Click that, enter new password and you’re done.

Duncan replied 9 years ago

Perfect, thank you.

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