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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsHow to enable multi language function on the Navigation Menu?
tisman asked 7 years ago
Hi... Searched the forums and Q&A but couldn't find what might be a simple answer... Squarespace: I understand how to add multi-language text in text blocks and its tested and working correctly.  I'm wondering how i do that for the main navigation menus?  I have folders set up under the 'Top Navigation' header for my drop down menus, so the folder names are what appear in the navigation menu. Any instructions / suggestions?   Thanks, M
1 Answers
Freddy Jones answered 7 years ago

You can use the …. .. …. format for translating menu items

leonie replied 6 years ago

Is there another way to create a language specific menu? Because this would mean altering the name of the page, not only the text seen in the menu. And I’m using language specific pages, so this is a bad combo. I’m working in Wix. It would be great to be able to select the HOME {nl} for a Dutch menu. Please help.

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