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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsHow to remove ML icon from wix?
flibbledibble asked 7 years ago
Hi, I just bought multilingualizer for my wix photography website and I didn't realize it put an icon on the screen. I found the thread talking about custom CSS, but I have no idea where I'd enter it on wix. I tried entering it into the same code in "Tracking and Analytics" but it did nothing. I really like this program, but aesthetically I don't want a logo on my website. If anyone could help that would be great! Thanks!
2 Answers
Freddy Jones answered 7 years ago

Hi, this article explains where to add custom css to your wix site: https://help.wixanswers.com/en/article/adding-custom-css-to-your-help-center
and this is why there is a icon in the bottom left of your browser and the code to remove it: https://www.multilingualizer.com/2018/04/01/multilingualizer-badge-added-and-how-to-remove-it-if-you-wish/

Freddy Jones answered 7 years ago

Hi, this article explains where to add custom css to your wix site: https://help.wixanswers.com/en/article/adding-custom-css-to-your-help-center
and this is why there is a icon in the bottom left of your browser and the code to remove it: https://www.multilingualizer.com/2018/04/01/multilingualizer-badge-added-and-how-to-remove-it-if-you-wish/

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