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Questions & AnswersHow to set by default VN language for website
Daniel asked 9 years ago Pass: eherta

I need to set by default VN language for the website above. I have set up texts in admin area are VN..EN. Thanks, 
4 Answers
Daniel answered 9 years ago


Daniel answered 9 years ago

Hi bro,
Can you give me feedback about my question? Why does it take so long? If it is impossible to set default VN language for my website, please let me know to find other solutions.

Dave Hilditch Staff answered 9 years ago

The /support page explains that the FIRST language you enter IS the default language.
There’s nothing else you need to do to make that the default.

Daniel replied 9 years ago

I have configed as your instruction but it did not work. Please see the attached file above. I also opened new browser (never access) to test but it was still a EN language default. Can you access my website to check?

Vas replied 8 years ago

Greetings, apologies for the delay and inconvenience. As Dave explained, you can find info about the default language on the Support page. Additionally, now you can use the “?lang=vn” parameter (without quotations), in order to obtain a link which you can pass over to your customers. Said link will ensure that the page is always in a specific language.

answered 8 years ago

I will be moving the question to resolved now that the explanation was provided, please do not hesitate to contact us again if any further problems arise.

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