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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsHow to translate a hypertext link in Squarespace?
Leon Ho asked 8 years ago
Hi. How can I make a link appear in different languages but link to the same destination in Squarespace? E.g. at https://www.yuyobrujo.com/ in the footer there is a link called "will the shoes fit me?". Clicking on it will take you to 'https://www.yuyobrujo.com/faq/#our-fit'. I would like the link to show as "¿Me quedarán bien los zapatos?" when the page is translated to Spanish. Part of the challenge is the Squarespace process for defining a link. You write the text, then select some it and click the "link" icon and enter the destination page. Do you write the text with "...." and ".." as per normal, then select each text in different languages and create the same links for each one? Thanks.
1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 7 years ago

You can translate the TEXT of the link using ….linktextEN..linktextFR…. and then a single link and have the destination page translated.

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