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Questions & AnswersHow to translate "From" or "Back to" or in the form "First Name", "Last Name" in Squarespace?
Martynas asked 9 years ago
Here is my website http://www.marlione.com/werbegeschenke/geschenksets/tee-geschenk-set and I want to translae it to German language. There are words which I can not translate in to German, there is not possibility to do that in Squarespace. I guees I have to put some kind of code there for that? Could you help me please with this issue. Thank you.  
Martynas replied 8 years ago

Can someone reply to my question?

3 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 8 years ago

Yes – if you visit the support page there is an extra script for translating the hard-coded texts in your SquareSpace template.
If there are any texts missing, you can duplicate the final line of the code – read the comments in the code – it explains what to do – and then you can translate any template text.

Martynas replied 8 years ago

Thanks, I will look in to it.

Martynas replied 8 years ago

Dave, I did everything what was written and nothing is translated. Could you please check where the problem is?

Martynas replied 8 years ago

My 0 language is english and 1 language is german. Did I missed something here? I do not getting translations from english to german.

function replaceSquarespaceText() {
if (readCookie(‘language’) != ”) {
} else {
currentlanguage = 0;
// depending on which language is your default language, you need to make an adjustment here
if (currentlanguage == 1) { // **** If the default language is not English, change this number to reflect the position where English occurs in your Language selector. This is zero-based – that means start counting from zero. E.g. if you have 3 languages in this order: German, English, French then change German is 0, English is 1 and French is 2 so change the 0 to 1
console.log(‘nothing to translate because language 0 chosen – change to language 1 and this will do something’);

if (currentlanguage == 1) { // in the language selector, language 0 = first language, language 1 = second language – with this default example, language 1 is French. Copy this entire code block and repeat with language == 2 or language == 3 if you have more than 2 languages

Martynas replied 8 years ago

Hi, Dave, what do I have to do to get a reply to my question? I have launched a website which is not properly translated in to german language and how I will impress now german customers with the “almost finished” website?

Dave Hilditch replied 8 years ago

Hi – I’m not clear on what is going wrong here? Did you enter the german text into the squarespace translations file and then paste it into code injection?

Martynas replied 8 years ago

Yes, I did this. I didn’t translate everything, because there are words that I am not using. But at the end I put a translation of ‘from’ to ‘ab’ and nothing happened. Same with ‘First name’ and ‘Last name’. I am not a programmer so maybe I did something wrong there. Here is all code:

function replaceSquarespaceText() {
if (readCookie(‘language’) != ”) {
} else {
currentlanguage = 0;
// depending on which language is your default language, you need to make an adjustment here
if (currentlanguage == 1) { // **** If the default language is not English, change this number to reflect the position where English occurs in your Language selector. This is zero-based – that means start counting from zero. E.g. if you have 3 languages in this order: German, English, French then change German is 0, English is 1 and French is 2 so change the 0 to 1
console.log(‘nothing to translate because language 0 chosen – change to language 1 and this will do something’);

if (currentlanguage == 1) { // in the language selector, language 0 = first language, language 1 = second language – with this default example, language 1 is French. Copy this entire code block and repeat with language == 2 or language == 3 if you have more than 2 languages
jQuery(“li a”).filter(
function(index) {
if(jQuery(this).text() == ‘All’)
return true;
return false;
).each(function() {
jQuery(this).html(jQuery(this).html().replace(‘All’, ‘Alle’)); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
function(index) {
if(jQuery(this).text() == ‘sale’)
return true;
return false;
).each(function() {
jQuery(this).html(jQuery(this).html().replace(‘sale’, ‘Verkauf’)); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(“div.custom-cart a”).filter(
function(index) {
if(jQuery(this).text().substring(0,4) == ‘Cart’)
return true;
return false;
).each(function() {
jQuery(this).html(jQuery(this).html().replace(‘Cart’, ‘Panier’)); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
function(index) {
if(jQuery(this).text() == ‘Shopping Cart’)
return true;
return false;
).each(function() {
jQuery(this).html(jQuery(this).html().replace(‘Shopping Cart’, ‘Votre Panier’)); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
function(index) {
if(jQuery(this).text() == ‘CHECKOUT’)
return true;
return false;
).each(function() {
jQuery(this).html(jQuery(this).html().replace(‘CHECKOUT’, ‘VALIDER’)); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****

function(index) {
if(jQuery(this).text() == ‘Item’)
return true;
return false;
).each(function() {
jQuery(this).html(jQuery(this).html().replace(‘Item’, ‘Produit’)); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
function(index) {
if(jQuery(this).text() == ‘Quantity’)
return true;
return false;
).each(function() {
jQuery(this).html(jQuery(this).html().replace(‘Quantity’, ‘Quantité’)); // ****
function(index) {
if(jQuery(this).text() == ‘Price’)
return true;
return false;
).each(function() {
jQuery(this).html(jQuery(this).html().replace(‘Price’, ‘Prix’)); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
function(index) {
if(jQuery(this).text() == ‘Quantity:’)
return true;
return false;
).each(function() {
jQuery(this).html(jQuery(this).html().replace(‘Quantity’, ‘Quantité’)); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****

function(index) {
if(jQuery(this).text() == ‘Add To Cart’)
return true;
return false;
).each(function() {
jQuery(this).html(jQuery(this).html().replace(‘Add To Cart’, ‘Ajouter Au Panier’)); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****

function(index) {
if(jQuery(this).text().indexOf(‘Share’) >= 0 )
return true;
return false;
).each(function() {
jQuery(this).html(jQuery(this).html().replace(‘Share’, ‘Partager’)); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****

function(index) {
if(jQuery(this).text() == ‘Featured’ )
return true;
return false;
).each(function() {
jQuery(this).html(jQuery(this).html().replace(‘Featured’, ‘Featured’)); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
function(index) {
if(jQuery(this).text() == ‘Subtotal’ )
return true;
return false;
).each(function() {
jQuery(this).html(jQuery(this).html().replace(‘Subtotal’, ‘Total’)); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****

jQuery(“input.search-input”).each(function() {
jQuery(this).attr(‘placeholder’, ‘Rechercher’);

function(index) {
if(String(jQuery(this).text()).indexOf(‘///’) > -1 ) {
return false;
if (String(jQuery(this).html()).indexOf(‘[[‘) > -1 ) {
return false;
if (String(jQuery(this).html()).indexOf(‘]]’) > -1 ) {
return false;
if (String(jQuery(this).html()).indexOf(‘ -1) {
return false;
if (String(jQuery(this).html()).indexOf(‘ -1) {
return false;
if (String(jQuery(this).html()).indexOf(‘sqs-gallery’) > -1) {
return false;
return true;
).each(function() {
jQuery(this).html(jQuery(this).html().replace(/First Name/ig, “Vorname”)); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(this).html(jQuery(this).html().replace(/Last Name/ig, “Nachname”)); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(this).html(jQuery(this).html().replace(/Newer/ig, “Neu”)); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(this).html(jQuery(this).html().replace(/Older/ig, “Älter); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(this).html(jQuery(this).html().replace(/tags/ig, “tags”)); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****

jQuery(‘.newsletter-form-field-element.field-control input[type=text]’).attr(‘placeholder’, ‘imiex’); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘a,time’).replaceText(/January/ig, “Janvier”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘a,time’).replaceText(/February/ig, “Fevrier”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘a,time’).replaceText(/March/ig, “Mars”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘a,time’).replaceText(/April/ig, “Avril”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘a,time’).replaceText(/May/ig, “Mai”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘a,time’).replaceText(/June/ig, “Juin”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘a,time’).replaceText(/July/ig, “Juillet”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘a,time’).replaceText(/August/ig, “Août”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘a,time’).replaceText(/September/ig, “Septembre”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘a,time’).replaceText(/October/ig, “Octobre”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘a,time’).replaceText(/November/ig, “Novembre”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘a,time’).replaceText(/December/ig, “Decembre”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘a,time’).replaceText(/Monday/ig, “Lundi”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘a,time’).replaceText(/Tuesday/ig, “Mardi”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘a,time’).replaceText(/Wednesday/ig, “Mercredi”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘a,time’).replaceText(/Thursday/ig, “Jeudi”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘a,time’).replaceText(/Friday/ig, “Vendredi”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘a,time’).replaceText(/Saturday/ig, “Samedi”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘a,time’).replaceText(/Sunday/ig, “Dimanche”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘div.eventlist-datetag-startdate–month’).replaceText(/jan/gi, “Janv”);
jQuery(‘div.eventlist-datetag-startdate–month’).replaceText(/feb/gi, “Févr”);
jQuery(‘div.eventlist-datetag-startdate–month’).replaceText(/mar/gi, “Mars”);
jQuery(‘div.eventlist-datetag-startdate–month’).replaceText(/apr/gi, “Avr”);
jQuery(‘div.eventlist-datetag-startdate–month’).replaceText(/may/gi, “Mai”);
jQuery(‘div.eventlist-datetag-startdate–month’).replaceText(/jun/gi, “Juin”);
jQuery(‘div.eventlist-datetag-startdate–month’).replaceText(/jul/gi, “Juil”);
jQuery(‘div.eventlist-datetag-startdate–month’).replaceText(/aug/gi, “Aout”);
jQuery(‘div.eventlist-datetag-startdate–month’).replaceText(/sep/gi, “Sept”);
jQuery(‘div.eventlist-datetag-startdate–month’).replaceText(/oct/gi, “Oct”);
jQuery(‘div.eventlist-datetag-startdate–month’).replaceText(/nov/gi, “Nov”);
jQuery(‘div.eventlist-datetag-startdate–month’).replaceText(/dec/gi, “Déc”);
jQuery(‘span’).replaceText(/Share/gi, “Teilen”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘span’).replaceText(/Preview/gi, “Vorschau”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘span’).replaceText(/Likes/gi, “Likes”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘span’).replaceText(/item/gi, “Artikel”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘span’).replaceText(/Comments /gi, “Les commentaires “); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ***
jQuery(‘span’).replaceText(/Newest First/gi, “Sujet plus récent”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘span’).replaceText(/back to /gi, “Zurück zu”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘span’).replaceText(/Post Comment/g, “Poster un commentaire”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘.sqs-widgets-confirmation-content .title’).replaceText(/Enter Comment Text/g, “Ecrire un commentaire texte”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘.sqs-widgets-confirmation-content .message’).replaceText(/Enter text in the field above to post a comment./g, “Entrez le texte dans le champ ci-dessus pour poster un commentaire.”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘.form-inner-wrapper .field-error’).replaceText(/Your form has encountered a problem. Please scroll down to review./g, “Votre forme a rencontré un problème . S’il vous plaît faites défiler à commenter .”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘.field-error’).replaceText(/ is required./gi, ‘ est requis.’); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘form-item field email required error’).replaceText(/Email is not valid. Email addresses should follow the format [email protected]./gi, “Email ist ungültig. E-Mail -Adressen sollten das Format folgen [email protected].”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘.form-inner-wrapper:last-child .field-error’).replaceText(/Your form has encountered a problem. Please scroll up to review./gi, “Votre forme a rencontré un problème . S’il vous plaît faites défiler jusqu’à examiner .”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****
jQuery(‘span.subscribe’).replaceText(/subscribe via e\-mail/gi, “abonner via email”); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****

jQuery(‘*’).replaceText(/Back to all events/gi, “Zurück zu allen Veranstaltungen”);
jQuery(‘*’).replaceText(/Earlier event/gi, “Frühere Veranstaltung”);
jQuery(‘*’).replaceText(/Back to all events/gi, “Zurück zu allen Veranstaltungen”);
jQuery(‘*’).replaceText(/Back to top/gi, ”
Zurück nach oben”);

// document.write(‘.entry-more-link a:before { content:”Poursuivre la lecture”!important;}’);
// document.write(‘.summary-read-more-link:after { content:”Poursuivre la lecture \2192″!important;}’);

//if you need to translate more hard-coded text from your specific theme, copy the following line as many times as you like:jQuery(‘*’).replaceText(escapeRegExp(“Enter hardcoded text to translate here”), “Enter translation here”);

jQuery(‘*’).replaceText(escapeRegExp(“from”), “ab”);

answered 8 years ago

Hello Martynas, 
I’ll turn Dave’s attention to this asap and make sure your issue is resolved within a day. I’ll get back to you very soon.

Dave Hilditch Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi – I’m seeing an error in your code.
The line which runs as follows:
jQuery(this).html(jQuery(this).html().replace(‘Quantity’, ‘Quantité’));
At the end of this line is a comment, but that comment has been moved to the next line somehow so in your case it reads:
jQuery(this).html(jQuery(this).html().replace(‘Quantity’, ‘Quantité’)); // ****
Please amend this so it is on one line as follows:
jQuery(this).html(jQuery(this).html().replace(‘Quantity’, ‘Quantité’)); // **** TRANSLATE THIS TEXT TO YOUR LANGUAGE ****

Martynas replied 8 years ago

I did that but nothing has changed.

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