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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsKills SquareSpace cover pages with white page; support page has old/wrong instructions?
SS2020 asked 6 years ago
I'm having a serious issue with Multilingualizer on my SquareSpace cover page: the cover page instructions do not make sense for cover pages and attempting to add the script to the cover page header yields a completely white page. I'm using the Brine family template, though that shouldn't matter for cover pages. Multilingualizer here states you need to add the footer code located in "footer.txt" to use Multilingualizer on SquareSpace cover pages. The problems:
  1. Cover pages do not have a footer text area.
  2. No such "footer.txt" file exists anywhere on this site. The only footer code found in "My Account" is for a language selector, not the actual script. We aren't using the language selector.
  3. Adding the header script into the cover page header yields a completely blank page.
How exactly do you make this work? Here's what we've added, straight copied from My Account: Here is what we got (completely blank)

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