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Olga Tchernolikhova asked 8 years ago
Hi, how do I exactly implement/inject into my Squarespace site the ?lang= de and ?lang=en attributes? you keep referring to the Q&As or FAQs , but NOTHING is said there  is on HOW to exactly do it: I even tried to add it the the URL slug but Squarespace rejects the ? sign. Thanks, Olga https://www.vanitybeauty.de
Martynas replied 7 years ago

I don’t get it either. In Squarespace you have one url for one product, how it is possible to have two url’s with different languages for the same product?

Dave Hilditch replied 7 years ago

You cannot have two URLs with different languages for the same product, not directly. What you *can* do if you want to do this is have two menus, one for english, one for french (or whichever language) and each of them could link to their own specific URLs.

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 7 years ago

If you ensure you use a link like:
https://www.yourdomain.com/your-page-url/?lang=fr then these kind of links will be accepted by Squarespace.
Also, you could just enter /your-page-url/?lang=fr or if it’s your home page, you can enter /?lang=fr
Presumably you were entering just ?lang=fr and this is why squarespace rejected it.

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