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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsLanguage selector code not working in Shopify
Yasmin asked 5 years ago

I've already sent you a ticket for this, but also asking here are support seems rather sketchy at the moment (last answers given here 3 weeks ago) and I've not yet had a reply. I'm currently updating my Shopify theme and when copying in the latest code I'm having problems with the language selector. I've followed the instructions to paste it before the "body" tag in theme.liquid, but instead of activating the selector, the code actually appears at the foot of the homepage! Please urgently check my ticket for screenshots and advise how I correct this.

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 5 years ago

The code needs to stay contained within it’s own script tag – copy the entire code including the surround script and /script tags.

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