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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsLinks in Squarespace Twitter Block not displaying correctly
Morgan asked 8 years ago
Hello, It seems that Multilingualizer stops links from correctly displaying in the Twitter Feed block in my company's Squarespace site. I've emailed three times over the last three weeks requesting support on this issue (I really did not want to air bug reports on a live corporate site), but you have not replied, so I'm trying the Q&A section. The issue is as follows: in English, links display as "https:" (no visible URL) while in Japanese, they display the URL without "https:" (e.g. "t.co/3evdsUPwJU"). Please visit www.shloc.com for several examples. I also emailed to ask about why the first language option in the language selector box doesn't seem to display in bold when the second language is selected. If you could look into that too, that would be much appreciated. Kind regards, M Rushton
1 Answers
answered 8 years ago

Greetings Morgan.
I see this is a very old post, but have you been able to resolve your issue by now? Do you need any help? Let me know if so and I’ll get to it asap.

Morgan replied 8 years ago

Hi Vas,

Thank you for responding. In answer to your question: no, we have not yet resolved the Twitter link issue, or indeed the boldface issue in the language selection box. Please visit http://www.shloc.com to see the current state of affairs.

For your information, we’re still running Multilingualizer v3.4 code as it’s performing reliably, and we’re loath to break something which (mostly) works. That said, we would very much like to solve the aforementioned issues, and will take whatever steps you deem necessary to achieve this.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Kind regards,

M Rushton

Morgan replied 8 years ago

Hello again, Vas. Do you have a rough idea when you’ll be able to look into this problem for me? Apologies if you’re on the case already.

Vas replied 8 years ago

Hey Morgan, sorry that I was unable to get back to you. Currently checking into your issue, I will get back to you within a day or two (it has been a hell of a busy week). Please bear with us a while longer. I believe your problem comes from an outdated code, at least that’s my first impression.

Morgan replied 8 years ago

Hi Vas, just to let you know, I briefly tried using v3.91, but it didn’t fix the twitter link display problem, and broke some other things (lots of strange additional blank lines before the second language, and what seemed to be a 3-dot ellipsis (…) being interpreted as a “..” language switch marker). I have since reverted to v3.4, which seems to work a little more predictably for my site’s purposes.

Morgan replied 8 years ago

Please could you confirm you’re still looking into this issue. I’ve just received another email request for feedback on Multilingualizer, and it’s a little upsetting to be told that “Customer satisfaction is our top priority” when I’ve had open bugs for over 8 months.

Vas replied 8 years ago

Hey Morgan, I thought your issue was resolved by Dave and the dev team by now? Please send admin access to your squarespace website on my personal email – [email protected] and I will have a look at what the problem is together with the dev team. Apologies for the unprofessional situation and lack of communication.

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