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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsNot working in Squarespace
asked 9 years ago
Hi! Great plugin but I just can't make it work correctly. Did everything as described, titles are translating correctly, but not all of the text blocks.  I start every text block with the famous "...." then ".." to separate language and finally "...." at the end. I even changed the "...." for "++++" in case i'm confusing dots with the text. But still not working. I have 3 languages coded and sometimes it shows up two of them together, other times only one, sometimes title from language 1 with text block of language 3. I'm loosing tons of time trying to fix this. Please help! trespalacios.squarespace.com
DIEGO replied 9 years ago

No answer friends of Multilingualizer?

Dave Hilditch replied 9 years ago

Hi – if you’re having this problem, it means you’re missing a language block marker somewhere.

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 9 years ago

If you find some pages where some translations are acting weirdly, please check the count of language block markers on your page.
The quickest/easiest way is to view the page source and search for the language block markers – e.g. in Chrome, hit CTRL+U, it will open the source, then hit CTRL+F and type in the 4 dots.
It will tell you how many are on the page. There should be an ODD number. If there’s an even number you have a problem – search through and find the missing block.
Another rare possible cause is to do with where you have used the shorthand approach. If you find this problem occurs on all pages, it could be that the shorthand approach (2 dots separating text without the 4 dots at beginning and end) has been used in a menu or form title or page title or something where the HTML element is not a leaf.
I know this is a little technical, but it’s a very rare case this can happen. If the first approach above doesn’t fix, try changing your shorthand translations to longhand (with the language block markers beginning and end)

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