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Questions & Answers"Original" language (French) contact form does not accept first/last name text input
Madleine asked 8 years ago
Madleine replied 8 years ago

Whereas “translated” English form works fine.

The issue happens on https://www.afex.fr/contact in SquareSpace

The problem lies with the multilingualizer plugin :

You can see in the console screen copy bellow that
some function in multilingualizer enters the recursion and infinitely effects (make any events) these 2 fields.
Also, you can even see that in the logs appear endless amount of events:


Please check the matter and find fix…

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 7 years ago

We released a fix for this 7 months ago. What was happening was some Squarespace templates were updating the HTML on page continuously, e.g. to handle parallax views or similar effects. We modified the code to handle this and avoid re-running the code continuously. On these form pages, if the code runs again, it clears the text. This is what was fixed by the code so now forms work – to translate all the other text for forms, you need to use the hard coded text extension listed on our support page. This lets you translate form error messages, placeholders and the little form titles underneath the form field (e.g first name, last name etc)

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