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Questions & AnswersProblems installing Multicurrencyalizer
lorna mc cormack asked 4 years ago

2 Answers
lorna mc cormack answered 4 years ago

I installed the free version which appeared on my website as expected. Then I upgraded and added new currencies and my own fonts. However when I upload the new code to my site it does not appear correctly. Only 1 currency is appearing. My colours are not appearing and when you click on the currency it bring me to to your website to choose my currency.

There are no instructions that I can see off to check what I am doing wrong.

Do I need to add something into the Header HTML & Footer HTML fields.

I am not a coder but can follow clear instructions.

Dave Hilditch Staff answered 4 years ago

Hi Lorna, I helped you through Facebook for this – somehow the config generator broke in your case which I fixed manually.

lorna mc cormack replied 4 years ago

thanks Dave. I did as instructed but it didn’t resolve the problem. I cleared cache and generated new new and entered code onto my website. But it is still appearing as per the ‘free version’. The updates I made after installing are not appearing.

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