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Questions & AnswersShopify : Languages (4 of them) do not appear in the hard part of my theme.
Matina asked 9 years ago
 I have just bought the Multilingualizer and pasted the Code in header and footer. However, the hard part of the theme (a free theme of Shopify) does not reflect the languages chosen.  When I press the language button in the floating bar, the hard part of the theme stays in the initial language. Disappointed so far...  Hopefully, I will get some help and an answer. Thank you. 
Matina replied 9 years ago

No answer ? Anyone ? No support ? I am getting annoyed at his point… Really… 🙁

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 8 years ago

The Multilingualizer does not do translations for you. You have to enter the translations yourself. To translate the hard parts of your theme, edit your theme and use the normal 4 dots technique – check the support page for a full guide of implementing translations.

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