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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsSomehow it is not working
Wael asked 9 years ago
i did all of the steps to install the multilingualizer and every thing is fine, the translation of the menus is working perfectly but when it comes to the translation of text blocks it is not working .....
i did exactly what is written in the description, for example : .... My website .. Meine Seite ....   but it is not working at all .

any help ?
3 Answers
Nigel answered 9 years ago

I also had this problem. This is what worked for me. Instead of ….My website..Meine Seite…. Use: My website..Meine Seite
The same way that it looks on your titles, just two dots inbetween the languages.
Hope that helps

Wael replied 9 years ago

I tried to do it, it is working but only for sentences who don’t have any full stops or dots, and you can’t apply it for a text block, because you cant define where that beginning and the finish of the text, especially if you have dots and full stops in the text.
i wish that the support answer but as i can see it was a bad idea to buy this.
thank you any way Bro.

Dave Hilditch replied 9 years ago

Hi Wael – if you look at your text you will probably find that the 3 of your 4 dots for the boundary markers have been changed to ‘ellipses’. If this is a persistent problem for you, the latest version lets you choose your own boundary marker to avoid this problem – e.g. you can have —-lang1..lang2—- or whatever you like.

Nigel answered 9 years ago

Mine seems to be working fine with a whole text block. I’ve attached a screenshot of how mine is laid out. All I’ve had to do at the full stop at the end of the text is just add a space then add the two dots then insert the translated text. See below.

Dave Hilditch replied 9 years ago

This is correct – if you finish a text block with a fullstop and then with no spaces you enter 2 fullstops as a language separator it will definitely not work. This is because the multilingualizer first looks for 3 fullstops together and temporarily replaces them before doing its work. This is to avoid accidentally getting mixed up with ellipses. The latest version lets you change the language block markers to something else (the 4 dots) – if it would help, I can add the ability to choose a different separator too?

Edoardo replied 9 years ago

Hi Dave. Please add it! I purchased Multilingualizer for my Squarespace website just yesterday, and the ability to choose custom separators would be really and really awesome. I can’t use fullstops in my text, at now. Nice product by the way!

Wael answered 9 years ago

Thank you all, i have tried the both variation and unfortunately they are not working, the are working only for one complete sentence but not for the text block, here they are:
Thanks very much for taking the time to check out my site! ..Haben Sie herzlichen Dank dafür, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, um meine Webseite anzusehen!

If you have any questions about my services, I’m always happy to respond! Feel free to send me an Email, contact me via FACEBOOK, or use the contact form here to reach me. I’ll be sure to get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks again! ..Sollten Sie Fragen zu meinem Angebot haben, beantworte ich diese natürlich immer gerne! Senden Sie mir einfach eine E-Mail, melden Sie sich via Facebook oder verwenden Sie dieses Kontaktformular. Ich werde mich so schnell wie möglich bei Ihnen melden. Lieben Dank!
V 2:
—-Thanks very much for taking the time to check out my site! ..Haben Sie herzlichen Dank dafür, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, um meine Webseite anzusehen!—-

—-If you have any questions about my services, I’m always happy to respond! Feel free to send me an Email, contact me via FACEBOOK, or use the contact form here to reach me. I’ll be sure to get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks again! ..Sollten Sie Fragen zu meinem Angebot haben, beantworte ich diese natürlich immer gerne! Senden Sie mir einfach eine E-Mail, melden Sie sich via Facebook oder verwenden Sie dieses Kontaktformular. Ich werde mich so schnell wie möglich bei Ihnen melden. Lieben Dank!—-
i dont know maybe i have to leave space between —- and the language but i tried all of the variations and nothing appear ( both of the languages appears ) although i have installed the last version before 3 min

Dave Hilditch replied 9 years ago

Which version of the Multilingualize are you running? I think you must be running an older version. Log into your /my-account/ area and regenerate the code – the latest code auto-updates too.

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