- Here's what I typed in the description field for this banner:

- Here's what I typed in the description field for this banner:
Dear Var and Dave
Please inform me about a realistic time window in which you think this issue will be resolved.
Thank you
Ramon – apologies for the delay. Dave has been unable to look at your issue the last days due to the amount of work around last week and this one. I will personally turn his attention to this issue today and make sure you get an answer as soon as possible.
Dear Var and Dave
As I need to go forward with this website I made for Dave this page in which he will find the documented bug above to see in live:
The reason is that I removed all the buggy buttons from the other pages as I cannot wait till Dave finds the time. Nevertheless I still counting on you guys to resolve this bug.
Thank you
I have exactly the same issue with my bilingual Squarespace Shift template. The link buttom in the banner appears twice – once as it should and once as an empty box.
Could you please help me to solve this problem?
Hi Ramon,
I had a look at the site – nice hero image on the homepage!
It all appeared to be working well when i looked, I clicked through each language and had a good look around and no errors were apparent.
If i missed something let, me know and ill fix it right away.
Hi John
First – this issue here is marked as RESOLVED – which isn’t the case.
Second – the reason why there the test site isn’t available anymore is due the official indexing of google.
Third – the issue remains as mentioned but you don’t stumble over it because I stopped to use TWO LINKS in the banner which causes the error in the first place.
So. If you want to fix it get a Squarespace site and make sure to test it as documented in my initial post on top here.
Till I get an information from you that you actually update your code for this I can’t use TWO LINKS.
Please consider to offer business support for people like me who relay on proper support within SHORT TIME (this case here is open over 3 months). This is a serious issue regarding the amount you have to deal with errors and flaws. And that’s why I recommend you to reconsider your current support quality and resolving time. And yes – I would pay for it.
Thanks Ramón
Hi Ramon – Firstly regarding your ongoing issue – let me fix that today for you – what do you need from Multilingualizer?
Secondly, we had a backlog of support issues which occurred due to an internal bug and staff transitions – It is our intention to answer all support questions efficiently and expediently.
Email [email protected] and mark the email for my attention, I will resolve this today for you.
Kind regards
Hello, I have the same problem with banner button in Hayden template. I tried to put stops inside the link name and it created 2 buttons. When I tried to put stops between two separated links, it displayed one link and one button.
Hi Ramon – Firstly regarding your ongoing issue – let me fix that today for you – what do you need from Multilingualizer?
Secondly, we had a backlog of support issues which occurred due to an internal bug and staff transitions – It is our intention to answer all support questions efficiently and expediently.
Email [email protected] and mark the email for my attention, I will resolve this today for you.
On clicking on the link you provided the site looked fine and translated – have u looked at your site incognito? I ask as sometimes some of the changes made only appear if you are logged out of the sites admin area. I think this is a Squarespace bug.
Kind regards
Hello John
Thank you for your fast response.
I have removed the second “banner” in the site because we needed to go public. I still have the error and can make it available for you – but it need to be timed between you and me.
And yes I checked the error also incognito. The bug may be a result of Squarespace, but I want to verify that. If so I have to live with it.
Kind regards
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