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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsUnwanted space in translations
Delphine asked 9 years ago
Hi,   I just installed the ML script and started translating. I have some issues with unwanted space (look like empty text holders) in my translated pages. Could you please help me with this ? you can see what happens on this page harmoniecollection     thx
2 Answers
Delphine answered 9 years ago

I found how to avoid the spaces… it’s a bit awkward but it works

Stefan replied 9 years ago

Hi Delphine, what did you do to avoid unwanted spaces. The problem I have is as soon as I have like nested inline (strong, br,…) elements inside p or h element this elements are not hidden for un-active languages, text content is removed though but the element it self stays untouched along with the nested elements. This is a real issue since I can not instruct customer not to use bold or break and it seems this guy doesn’t just doesn’t respond.

answered 8 years ago

We are glad that you managed to resolve your issue. I shall mark the question as resolved. Do not hesitate to contact support if you have any further troubles or concerns.
Stefan, feel free to post a separate question on the subject and I will see what I can do to assist you. 

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