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Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsUnwanted space in translations
Mathias asked 9 years ago
I've read through some questions about this topic already but I can't find the solution. My text is in a single text block and dots are in place as they should be but still get a huge chunk of space in one language where the other language is located after switching language. What makes it even stranger is that the exact (just different words) same setup of text is on another page without any problem. I'm glad I found multilingualizer and it's easy enough to work with so hoping this issue can be fixed.  
Mathias replied 9 years ago

The page I’m referring to: http://www.etablissementmax.be, check out what happens when you look at the text underneath ‘proud’ in ENG.

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 9 years ago

This is happening because you have used SHIFT+ENTER to create new lines. The Multilingualizer doesn’t like that inside a text block.
To fix, either use normal paragraphs or translate each line one at a time (i.e. a text block per line)

Mathias replied 9 years ago

Thanks Dave, fixed!

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